This is a CLI tool to generate Flutter files including Model, screen, widget... for your Flutter project. It's buit using inspired by
Clone this repository
Open terminal and run this command to active the CLI
yarn link
Copy the folder
to your Flutter project root
- Run the bellow commands to generate Models, Screens, or List item.
- The default template files are used for Flutter GetX project, you can modify these files to match with your project templates
To generate a model AbcXyz
in the folder lib/models/abc_xyz
fg-cli generate model AbcXyz
To generate a screen AbcXyz
in the folder lib/screens/abc_xyz
fg-cli generate screen AbcXyz
To generate a list item AbcXyz
in the folder lib/list_items/abc_xyz
fg-cli generate list_item AbcXyz
Feel free to modify the templates files in the folder FG/templates
Your generators live in your app, in FG/templates/*
. To make a new generator, go look at the ones that are there when you start your app. You'll see that they have *.ejs
files (which get interpreted when you generate them).
fg-cli g screen Settings
This will copy over any files in FG/templates/screen/*
to lib/screens/settings/*
and process any .ejs
templates at the same time.
Props are passed into the ejs templates when you run the generator.
camelCaseName: string // AbcXyz => abcXyz
kebabCaseName: string // AbcXyz => abc_xyz
pascalCaseName: string // AbcXyz => AbcXyz
filename: string // AbcXyz => abc_xyz.dart
You can use them in a template with <%= props.camelCaseName %>
Check out the documentation at
To package your CLI up for NPM, do this:
$ npm login
$ npm whoami
$ npm lint
$ npm test
(if typescript, run `npm run build` here)
$ npm publish