GitHub Link: https - https://github.com/toarnabtrainer/MySQL-Notes
GitHub Shortened Link - https://tinyurl.com/2btenujh
Notepad.pw Link - https://tinyurl.com/24rkwnxf
MySQL Official Site - https://www.mysql.com/
MySQL Tutorial Site - https://www.mysqltutorial.org/
MySQL Server and Workbench Download and Install YouTube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwHpIl0vqY4
PTR Trainng Topic Coverage:
- Day-1: "Database Management System" PPT (Slides 1 to 32 RDBMS Part) + Sample Database and Table Creations and Record Entry Demo
- Day-2: CSV Import Demo + Korth Chapter-4 Queries Execution (Part-1: Before View Creation)
- Day-3: Korth Chapter-4 Queries Execution (Part-2: View Creation Onwards) + Database Join Examples + Korth Excercise 4.2 Queries Assignment
- Day-4: "Database Management System" PPT (Slides 33 to 43 NoSQL Part) + Korth Excercise 4.2 Queries Solutions + MS-SQL Server Example - ERD to Database (Both Forward and Reverse Engineering) + MySQL Different Inbuilt Query Functions + Query Optimization from TOTSOL PDF Note
- Misc: EMP-SALGRADE-BONUS-DEPT Query Examples
********************************************* -- Korth Chapter - 4, Page - 144 -- All the schemas: -- Branch(branch_name, branch_city, assets) -- Account(account_number, balance, branch_name) -- Customer(customer_name, customer_street, customer_city) -- Depositor(account_number, customer_name) -- Borrower(customer_name, loan_number) -- Loan(loan_number, amount, branch_name) create database korth; use korth; create table depositor ( customer_name varchar(20), account_number varchar(20) ); create table loan ( loan_number varchar(20), branch_name varchar(20), amount int ); create table borrower ( customer_name varchar(20), loan_number varchar(20) ); create table branch ( branch_name varchar(20), branch_city varchar(20), assets int ); create table account ( account_number varchar(20), branch_name varchar(20), balance int ); create table customer ( customer_name varchar(20), customer_street varchar(20), customer_city varchar(20) ); -- insert all the records to the tables from the corresponding csv files -- or execute following queries truncate table account; insert into account values ('A-101','Downtown',500); insert into account values ('A-102','Perryridge',400); insert into account values ('A-201','Brighton',900); insert into account values ('A-215','Mianus',700); insert into account values ('A-217','Brighton',750); insert into account values ('A-222','Redwood',700); insert into account values ('A-305','Round Hill',350); select * from account; explain account; truncate table borrower; insert into borrower values ('Adams','L-16'); insert into borrower values ('Curry','L-93'); insert into borrower values ('Hayes','L-15'); insert into borrower values ('Jackson','L-14'); insert into borrower values ('Jones','L-17'); insert into borrower values ('Smith','L-11'); insert into borrower values ('Smith','L-23'); insert into borrower values ('Williams','L-17'); select * from borrower; explain borrower; truncate table branch; insert into branch values ('Brighton','Brooklyn',7100000); insert into branch values ('Downtown','Brooklyn',9000000); insert into branch values ('Mianus','Horseneck',400000); insert into branch values ('North Town','Rye',3700000); insert into branch values ('Perryridge','Horseneck',1700000); insert into branch values ('Pownal','Bennington',300000); insert into branch values ('Redwood Palo','Alto',2100000); insert into branch values ('Round Hill','Horseneck',8000000); select * from branch; explain branch; truncate table customer; insert into customer values ('Adams','Spring','Pittsfield'); insert into customer values ('Brooks','Senator','Brooklyn'); insert into customer values ('Curry','North','Rye'); insert into customer values ('Glenn','Sand Hill','Woodside'); insert into customer values ('Green','Walnut','Stamford'); insert into customer values ('Hayes','Main','Harrison'); insert into customer values ('Johnson','Alma Palo','Alto'); insert into customer values ('Jones','Main','Harrison'); insert into customer values ('Lindsay','Park','Pittsfield'); insert into customer values ('Smith','North','Rye'); insert into customer values ('Turner','Putnam','Stamford'); insert into customer values ('Williams','Nassau','Princeton'); select * from customer; explain customer; truncate table depositor; insert into depositor values ('Hayes','A-102'); insert into depositor values ('Johnson','A-101'); insert into depositor values ('Johnson','A-201'); insert into depositor values ('Jones','A-217'); insert into depositor values ('Lindsay','A-222'); insert into depositor values ('Smith','A-215'); insert into depositor values ('Turner','A-305'); select * from depositor; explain depositor; truncate table loan; insert into loan values ('L-11','Round Hill',900); insert into loan values ('L-14','Downtown',1500); insert into loan values ('L-15','Perryridge',1500); insert into loan values ('L-16','Perryridge',1300); insert into loan values ('L-17','Downtown',1000); insert into loan values ('L-23','Redwood',2000); insert into loan values ('L-93','Mianus',500); select * from loan; explain loan; select * from account; select * from borrower; select * from branch; select * from customer; select * from depositor; select * from loan;
create database if not exists erd2Database; use erd2Database; -- creating all database table -- create table for country create table country ( id int auto_increment, country_name varchar(128), country_name_eng varchar(128), country_code varchar(8), primary key(id) ); -- create table for city (Here long is a keywork is MySQL, so using -- longitude and latitude in place of long and lat create table city ( id int auto_increment, city_name varchar(128), longitude decimal(9,6), latitude decimal(9,6), country_id int, primary key (id) ); -- create table for employee create table employee ( id int auto_increment, first_name varchar(255), last_name varchar(255), primary key (id) ); -- create table for customer create table customer ( id int auto_increment, customer_name varchar(255), city_id int, customer_address varchar(255), next_call_date date, ts_inserted datetime null, primary key (id) ); -- create table for call_table (call is a reserved word in MySQL, -- so giving the table name as call_table create table call_table ( id int auto_increment, employee_id int, customer_id int, start_time datetime, end_time datetime null, call_outcome_id int null, primary key (id) ); -- create table for call_outcome create table call_outcome ( id int auto_increment, outcome_text varchar(128), primary key (id) ); -- now adding foreign key constraints -- add country id as foreign key in city table alter table city add constraint city_country foreign key (country_id) references country(id); -- add call_outcome_id as foreign key in call_table alter table call_table add constraint call_call_outcome foreign key (call_outcome_id) references call_outcome(id); -- add customer_id as foreign key in call_table alter table call_table add constraint call_customer foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id); -- add employee_id as foreign key in call_table alter table call_table add constraint call_employee foreign key (employee_id) references employee(id); -- add city_id as foreign key in customer alter table customer add constraint customer_city foreign key (city_id) references city(id); -- Insert into country -- TRUNCATE TABLE country; INSERT INTO country (country_name, country_name_eng, country_code) VALUES ('Deutschland', 'Germany', 'DEU'); INSERT INTO country (country_name, country_name_eng, country_code) VALUES ('Srbija', 'Serbia', 'SRB'); INSERT INTO country (country_name, country_name_eng, country_code) VALUES ('Hrvatska', 'Croatia', 'HRV'); INSERT INTO country (country_name, country_name_eng, country_code) VALUES ('United Stated of America', 'United Stated of America', 'USA'); INSERT INTO country (country_name, country_name_eng, country_code) VALUES ('Polska', 'Poland', 'POL'); SELECT * FROM country; EXPLAIN country; -- Insert into city -- TRUNCATE TABLE city; INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('Berlin', 52.520008, 13.404954, 1); INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('Belgrade', 44.787197, 20.457273, 2); INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('Zagreb', 45.815399, 15.966568, 3); INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('New York', 40.73061, -73.935242, 4); INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('Los Angeles', 34.052235, -118.243683, 4); INSERT INTO city (city_name, latitude, longitude, country_id) VALUES ('Warsaw', 52.237049, 21.017532, 5); SELECT * FROM city; EXPLAIN city; -- Insert into call_outcome -- TRUNCATE TABLE call_outcome; INSERT INTO call_outcome (outcome_text) VALUES ('call started'); INSERT INTO call_outcome (outcome_text) VALUES ('finished - successfully'); INSERT INTO call_outcome (outcome_text) VALUES ('finished - unsuccessfully'); SELECT * FROM call_outcome; EXPLAIN call_outcome; -- Insert into employee -- TRUNCATE TABLE employee; INSERT INTO employee (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Thomas (Neo)', 'Anderson'); INSERT INTO employee (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Agent', 'Smith'); SELECT * FROM employee; EXPLAIN employee; -- Insert into customer -- TRUNCATE TABLE customer; INSERT INTO customer (customer_name, city_id, customer_address, next_call_date, ts_inserted) VALUES ('Jewelry Store', 4, 'Long Street 120', '2020-01-21', '2020-01-09 14:01:20'); INSERT INTO customer (customer_name, city_id, customer_address, next_call_date, ts_inserted) VALUES ('Bakery', 1, 'Kurfürstendamm 25', '2020-02-21', '2020-01-09 17:52:15'); INSERT INTO customer (customer_name, city_id, customer_address, next_call_date, ts_inserted) VALUES ('Café', 1, 'Tauentzienstraße 44', '2020-01-21', '2020-01-10 08:02:49'); INSERT INTO customer (customer_name, city_id, customer_address, next_call_date, ts_inserted) VALUES ('Restaurant', 3, 'Ulica lipa 15', '2020-01-21', '2020-01-10 09:20:21'); SELECT * FROM customer; EXPLAIN customer; -- Insert into call_table -- TRUNCATE TABLE call_table; INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 4, '2020-01-11 09:00:15', '2020-01-11 09:12:22', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 2, '2020-01-11 09:14:50', '2020-01-11 09:20:01', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (2, 3, '2020-01-11 09:02:20', '2020-01-11 09:18:05', 3); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 1, '2020-01-11 09:24:15', '2020-01-11 09:25:05', 3); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 3, '2020-01-11 09:26:23', '2020-01-11 09:33:45', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 2, '2020-01-11 09:40:31', '2020-01-11 09:42:32', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (2, 4, '2020-01-11 09:41:17', '2020-01-11 09:45:21', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (1, 1, '2020-01-11 09:42:32', '2020-01-11 09:46:53', 3); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (2, 1, '2020-01-11 09:46:00', '2020-01-11 09:48:02', 2); INSERT INTO call_table (employee_id, customer_id, start_time, end_time, call_outcome_id) VALUES (2, 2, '2020-01-11 09:50:12', '2020-01-11 09:55:35', 2); SELECT * FROM call_table; EXPLAIN call_table; ALTER TABLE city DROP CONSTRAINT city_country; ALTER TABLE call_table DROP CONSTRAINT call_call_outcome; ALTER TABLE call_table DROP CONSTRAINT call_customer; ALTER TABLE call_table DROP CONSTRAINT call_employee; ALTER TABLE customer DROP CONSTRAINT customer_city; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS call_table; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS call_outcome; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employee; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS city; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS country; DROP DATAABASE IF EXISTS erd2DB;