
Chapter-1 - Project Management Resources:

Tutorials on Project Management:

MS-Project Trial Version Download:


Chapter-2 - SDLC Resources:

Pressman E-Book Download Link (8th Edition):

Pressman E-Book Download Link (7th Edition):

Sample User Stories:

Scrum Guide PDF:

Chapter-3 - UML and Resources:

For Diagram Making:

Tutorial Link for Desktop Version Download Link:

YouTube UML Tutorial Link:

UML Text Toturial Link:

UML Project Diagram Samples:

Chapter-4 - MS-Office/O365 Reference Tutorial Links and Resources:

Chapter-5: Prompt Engineering Resources:

Prompt Engineering Tutorials and Resources:

MS-Copilot Resources by Microsoft

Chapter-6: DBMS and Oracle SQL Resources:

Oracle Tutorials:

Live Oracle SQL Online Terminal and Other Resources:

Chapter-7: MS-Power BI Resources:

Power BI Download and Tutorial Links:

Important Classwork Resources:

MS-Power BI Data Compresion Capability:

  • PracticeData1.xlsx -> Size 705 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After all data import) -> Size 64 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Unpivot) -> Size 56 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Country_Sales Query creation) -> Size 61 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Total_Sales_PQEW) -> Size 65 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Total_Sales_PBIDW) -> Size 66 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Total_Sales measure creation) -> Size 66 KB
  • ClassWork.pbix (After Total_Sales_Measure column creation) -> Size 67 KB

Table Formats:

* Wide Format (Unstacked Format) ------------------------> Long Format (Stacked Format)
                                     Unpivot Operation

* Long Format (Stacked Format) ------------------------> Wide Format (Unstacked Format)
                                     Pivot Operation

Assignment on Merge operations:

  • Query-1: List those product details which has no discount.
    Output: image
  • Query-2: List only those discounted product details along with discount amount and discounted price.
    Output: image
  • Query-3: Against all products, display discount amount and discounted price. Fill with 0 where discount % is null.
    Output: image
  • Query-4: List those category details which has no product.
    Output: image

Lookup/Dimension Tables and Data/Fact Tables:
Lookup Tables or Dimension Tables will have Primary Keys, will answer Who, What, Where, When and How
Data Tables or Fact Table will have Foreign Keys, and will contain transactional data

Lookup/Dimenation Tables: Customer (Who), Product (What), Territories (Where), Calendar (When and How)
Data/Fact Tables: Sales, Budget

Operations on Budget Workbook:

  • Delete the promoted header
  • Delete first 3 null rows
  • Promote the first row as a header
  • Delete last total column
  • Filter out rows from the first column containing “Total”
  • Unpivot month columns labelled from Jan to Dec
  • Rename new created columns to Month and BudgetAmount
  • Change the data type of Month column to Date
  • Select close and apply

Data Relationships for the Budget Project:

  • Sales(CustomerKey) -> Customer(CustomerKey)
  • Sales(OrderDate) -> Calendar(Date)
  • Sales(ProductKey) -> Product(ProductKey)
  • Sales(SalesTerritoryKey) -> Territories(SalesTerritoryKey)
  • Budget(ProductKey) -> Product(ProductKey)
  • Budget(Month) -> Calendar(Date)

Suggested DAX Formulaes for Creating Measures:

  • MyBudget = SUM(Budget[BudgetAmount])
  • MySales = SUM(Sales[SalesAmount])
  • MyVariance = [MySales] - [MyBudget]
  • MyVariance% = DIVIDE([MyVariance], [MyBudget], 0)
  • MyComments = IF([MyVariance] < -100000, "Take Care", IF([MyVariance] < 0, "Not OK", "OK"))

Suggested Tables Summaries (After filtering on Year 2016):

  • Table1: Calendar[Year], Calendar[Month], Sum of Sales[SalesAmount]
  • Table2: Calendar[Year], Calendar[Month], Sum of Budget[BudgetAmount]
  • Table3: Territories[Country], Sum of Sales[SalesAmount]
  • Table4: Calendar[Year], Calendar[Month], Sum of Sales[SalesAmount], Sum of Budget[BudgetAmount]
  • Table5: Calendat[Year], Calendar[Month], Budget[MySales], Budget[MyBudget], Budget[MyVariance], Budget[MyVariance%], Budget[MyComment]

Different Join Operations:



Sample Template for User Stories:


UML Classwork File Hands on with

ATM System drawio