Software Engineering E-book download link:
Java: The Complete Reference, Ninth Edition. by Herbert Schildt:
Java The Complete Reference 11th Edition:
Online Java Editors:
Java Installation: (Installing Java-8)
- First Download Java 8 from the link: "" and install it. (jdk-8u202-windows-x64.exe (211.58 MB))
- Create an environmental variable JAVA_HOME against path "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_202".
- To the user path variable add the path "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202\bin" to it.
- From the command prompt to check, run two commands "java -version" and "echo %JAVA_HOME%".
Eclipse Installation: (Eclipse download and Install)
- Go to the URL:
- Now click on the link “Download Packages”
- Now click on “Windows x86_64” link.
- Download the Eclipse zip file and unzip it and run eclipse.exe file. Create a shortcut of this application on the desktop.
- Eclipse should detect the pre-installed Java path. Otherwise go to the build path and provide the JRE path. Create “JavaWorkSpace” folder in a suitable path.
For Diagram Making:
Core Java Reference Text Tutorial Links -
- Java Text Tutorial - 1:
- Java Text Tutorial - 2:
- Java Text Tutorial - 3:
- Java Text Tutorial - 4:
- Java Text Tutorial - 5:
- Command + 3 / Ctrl + 3 It puts the focus into Quick Access search box.
- Command + S / Ctrl + S Save current editor
- Command + 1 / Ctrl + 1 Quickfix for errors and warnings, depends on the cursor position
- Control + Space / Ctrl + Space Content assist and code completion
- Command + Shift + F / Ctrl + Shift + F Format source code
- Control + Q / Ctrl + Q Moves cursor to the last edited position
- Command + D / Ctrl + D Deletes current line in the editor
- Command + Shift + O / Ctrl + Shift + O Organize imports in the current java file
- Command + 2 + L / Ctrl +2 + L Assign statement to new local variable
- Command + 2 + F / Ctrl + 2 + F Assign statement to a field
- Command + O / Ctrl + O Shows quick outline of the java class
- Command + fn + F11 / Ctrl + F11 Runs the current opened java class if main method exists or else run the last launched application
- Command + Shift + R / Ctrl + Shift + R Open / Search for resources
- Command + Shift + T / Ctrl + Shift + T Open / Search for types, very useful in finding classes
- Command + E / Ctrl + E To select an editor from the currently open editors
- Command + fn + F8 / Ctrl + F8 Shortcut for switching perspectives
- Command + [ or Command + ] / Alt + ← or Alt + → Go to previous/ next editor position in history
- Fn + F3 / F3 Move cursor to the declaration of the variable
- Command + Shift + P / Ctrl + Shift + P Move cursor to the matching bracket
- Command + . / Ctrl + . Go to the next problem
- Command + Shift + . / Ctrl + , Go to the previous problem
- Fn + F4 / F4 Show type hierarchy of the variable
- Command + K / Ctrl + K Find next for search text in the opened editor
- Command + Shift + G / Ctrl + Shift + G Search for references in the workspace
- Command + T / Ctrl + T Shows type hierarchy of the current java class
- Command + M / Ctrl + M Maximize Java editor
- Fn + Shift + F2 / Shift + F2 Shows the javadoc of the method, class
- Command + Option + R / Alt + Shift + R Rename of package, class etc
- Command + Option + T / Alt + Shift + T Opens the quick refactoring menu
These are the most useful eclipse shortcuts that we use every day to save time.