
Pytorch implementation of JointVAE, a framework for disentangling continuous and discrete factors of variation :star2:

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Learning Disentangled Joint Continuous and Discrete Representations

Pytorch implementation of Learning Disentangled Joint Continuous and Discrete Representations (2018).

This repo contains an implementation of JointVAE, a framework for jointly disentangling continuous and discrete factors of variation in data in an unsupervised manner.





Discrete and continuous factors on MNIST


The train_model.ipynb notebook contains code for training a JointVAE model.

The load_model.ipynb notebook contains code for loading a trained model.

Example usage

from jointvae.models import VAE
from jointvae.training import Trainer
from torch.optim import Adam
from viz.visualize import Visualizer as Viz

# Build a dataloader for your data
dataloader = get_my_dataloader(batch_size=32)

# Define latent distribution
latent_spec = {'cont': 20, 'disc': [10, 5, 5, 2]}

# Build a Joint-VAE model
model = VAE(img_size=(3, 64, 64), latent_spec=latent_spec)

# Build a trainer and train model
optimizer = Adam(model.parameters())
trainer = Trainer(model, optimizer,
                  cont_capacity=[0., 5., 25000, 30.],
                  disc_capacity=[0., 5., 25000, 30.])
trainer.train(dataloader, epochs=10)

# Visualize samples from the model
viz = Viz(model)
samples = viz.samples()

# Do all sorts of fun things with model

Trained models

The trained models referenced in the paper are included in the trained_models folder. The load_model.ipynb ipython notebook provides code to load and use these trained models.

Data sources

The MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets can be automatically downloaded using torchvision.


All CelebA images were resized to be 64 by 64. Data can be found here.


All Chairs images were center cropped and resized to 64 by 64. Data can be found here.


Image editing

Inferring unlabelled quantities

More examples
