
A maze builder algorithm made in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A maze builder algorithm made in python. It was made inspired on this stackoverflow post.

The main logic is in the dig method in the class Maze. Once provided with a list of frontiers to explore, the algorithm will dig a maze, walking 2 steps into a random valid direction.


  • A frontier is a cell chosen to explore for its neighbours, digging from it until there are no move moves available.
  • The algorithm does not intersect an existing tunnel. It shall continue digging avoiding passage areas.

It works as follows:

1 - Pick a random cell from frontiers list to explore (call it current_cell)

2 - Check current_cell's valid neighbors. This way, two situations can happen:

Case A : current_cell do not have a valid neighbor

3 - remove current_cell it from frontiers list.

4 - Repeat from 1 until there are no more cells in frontiers to explore.

Case B : current_cell has valid neighbors

3 - current_cell has valid neighbors, so random pick one and call it new_cell.

4 - Mark the new_cell (which is 2 steps away from current cell)

5 - Mark the cell between current_cell and new_cell, creating a passage.

6 - Add new_cell to frontiers list (so it shall be explored again in the future). Repeat from 1 until there are no more frontiers to explore.


  • The algorithm logic avoids creating open rooms.
  • Cells are marked as a passage before adding them to frontiers list.
  • So each time a new frontier is selected to explore the maze, there is no need to paint it again.
  • This assures that when looking for a new neighbor, the rejected neighbor cells does not reappears in the frontiers list.
  • It is a simple way to avoid adding the same cell to the frontiers list multiple times.
  • It also avoids adding cells that are already part of the maze.