Boaty Bob McBoatFace Chatbot and Todo List

Boaty Bob McBoatFace is a chatbot built on facebook utilizing Ruby on Rails with a postgresql database hosted on Heroku. It utilizes the facebook-messenger gem. It can store a simple todo list utilizing the following commands:


Displays current todo list.


Displays items marked done.


Choose the list item you want to mark done and it will remove it from the current todo list and now only display on the finished item list.

ADD Buy milk

Adds an item to your current todo list.


Displays all of these commands

Sample Interface

User: LIST
Bot: You currently have 3 to-do items:
  #1: Redesign website
  #2: Learn Chatbot API
  #3: Clean room.
User: /#3 DONE
Bot: To-do item /#3 (“Clean room”) marked as done.
User: ADD Buy flight tickets
Bot: To-do item “Add flight tickets” added to list.
User: LIST
Bot: You currently have 3 to-do items:
  #1: Redesign website
  #2: Learn Chatbot API
  #3: Add flight tickets.
Bot: You have 1 item marked as done:
  #1: Clean room (completed 20 seconds ago, on Jan 26, 2017, 13:54 PST)

User: HELP
BOT: To see Todo items type: LIST

To see completed items type: LIST DONE

To add an item type: ADD buy milk

To mark an item done type: #1 DONE

## Testing
I didn't think to install the RSpec gem when I created my models and controllers.  If I had done it first I could have automatically generated the matching spec frameworks as I created each model and controller.  

I would run tests for both the user and todos models and controllers.  I would create mock users and many mock todos for users.  Then I would run through listing todos, listing completed todos, marking todos as done and adding them for multiple users. I would also implement this for Easter Egg features.  

## Bonus Easter Eggs
Some of these connect to other APIs using the open-uri and json gems.  
Ask Magic 8 ball a question

i.e. Magic 8 ball: Will I get the job?

Roll dice
Chuck Norris
Mention Star Wars
Mention Rick Astley
Ask for advice
Ask for a quote
Ask it anything!

I hooked it up to a conversational chatbot as well. So anything else, ends up being answered by that.