
Fast and easy searching inside a page

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Fast and easy searching inside a page.

Build Status npm version Bower version Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Haroenv/holmes


You can install holmes with either npm or bower under the package name holmes.js. For npm that looks like this:

$ npm install --save holmes.js

After which you can add it in your page with i.e. browserify or loading the module in a different script tag.

You have to make sure that you have a css rule for the class .hidden that hides elements however you want. One option is to have this:

.hidden {
  display: none;

but this could be any css you want.



Simple example

  input: '.search input', // default: input[type=search]
  find: '.results div' // querySelectorAll that matches each of the results individually

All options

  // queryselector for the input
  input: '.search input',
  // queryselector for element to search in
  find: '.results article',
  // (optional) text to show when no results
  placeholder: 'no results',
  class: {
    // (optional) class to add to matched elements
    visible: 'visible',
    // (optional) class to add to non-matched elements
    hidden: 'hidden'
  // (optional) if true, this will refresh the content every search
  dynamic: false,
  // (optional) needs to be true if the input is a contenteditable field instead of a
  contenteditable: false,
  // (optional) in case you don't want to wait for DOMContentLoaded before starting Holmes:
  instant: true

full documentation


What who image
bullg.it @haroenv screenshot of bullg.it
family.scss @lukyvj screenshot of family.scss

I'd love to find out how people use my project, let me know if you want to be featured!


Compatible up to IE9.

Let me know on twitter: @haroenv.


Contributions are always welcome! Here are some loose guidelines:

  • use feature branches
  • don't make it slower
  • explain why you want a feature
  • npm run doc to recreate the documentation

But I don't bite, if you have any questions or insecurities, hit me up for example on gitter.


Apache 2.0