
fG!'s crackme #1 source code

Primary LanguageC

 _____                _                       _  _    __  
/  __ \              | |                    _| || |_ /  | 
| /  \/_ __ __ _  ___| | ___ __ ___   ___  |_  __  _|`| | 
| |   | '__/ _` |/ __| |/ / '_ ` _ \ / _ \  _| || |_  | | 
| \__/\ | | (_| | (__|   <| | | | | |  __/ |_  __  _|_| |_
 \____/_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\_| |_| |_|\___|   |_||_|  \___/
fG!'s OS X Crackme #1 package

This is the source code of my first OS X crackme, described here:


This code is old, ugly, and my C coding skills improved a lot since
I wrote this. I just cleaned up some comments and organize the
Xcode project. Sorry for the mess but I don't have much time 
or motivation to fix this code :-).
Many things can be improved, maybe one of these days in #2.

It works on Snow Leopard and Lion up to 10.7.2, newer releases it
is untested.                                                          

The Xcode project contains the following targets:
- crackme: the crackme itself
- protector: the code protector to be applied after crackme is compiled
- function sizes: auxiliary util to calculate function sizes
- crypt_functions: auxiliary util to encrypt functions from symbol table
- manglemacho: auxiliary util that mangles mach-o headers

The code doesn't seem to compile with Xcode 4.6 due to deprecated assembly
prefix. Maybe I will give it a look and fix it.

Hope to trigger your motivation and see some new OS X crackmes!

The biggest vulnerability of this code is to use C library functions for
the crackme input. DTrace can be a powerful ally to work around all the
crypted chaos. The first person to crack it used this approach, and the
second decrypted everything. The C library functions are rather easy to
avoid and work around, the second approach is just a consequence of
"if it runs it can be cracked". It's a crackme so its goal is to be 
cracked :-).
