#ELK A compose file to setup and ELK stack.
Logstash will be listening for syslog events on the UDP port 5000.
Clone the repo with:
$ git clone git@github.com:MBuffenoir/elk.git
$ cd elk
Create a local machine and start ELK with:
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox elk
$ docker-machine scp -r conf-files/ elk:
$ eval $(docker-machine env elk)
$ docker-compose up -d
Test it with a simple command:
$ echo "Hi syslog" | nc -u $(docker-machine ip elk) 5000
#On a cloud machine
Running the compose file on a distant machine will require a copy of the conf-files
folder on it.
You can use docker-machine for this purpose:
$ docker-machine scp -r conf-files machine_name:
The file docker-compose-ubuntu.yml
is an example to be used with an ubuntu machine:
$ docker-machine -f docker-compose-ubuntu.yml up -d
This compose file should also work without issue on a swarm cluster.
#Create you first index
Once your first data has been sent to logstash, it is then possible to create your first index by logging into kibana.
Navigate to https://$(docker-machine ip elk):5600
The login is admin
and the password is Kibana05
(see the comments at the top of the file /conf-files/proxy-conf/kibana-nginx.conf
to change those credentials).
Click on the Create
button to create your first index.
Click on the Discover tab, you should now get access to your logs: