Simplifies dealing with money values in the database. Successor to the money gem. Extracted from Shopify.
- abecciuGreater Los Angeles Area
- alexandruleAlex IT Development
- ap0ught
- bensieSan Diego, CA
- camoedoBuenos Aires
- companygardenerFree Agent
- ecombaRemote
- formigarafaFORTiTO
- gmcmillan
- haimlankryTomika
- inemSerbia
- infinityrobotInfinity Robot
- jaygoobySouth Downs, UK
- jnettomelocomotiva
- joshmvandercom
- jstorimerOttawaish
- jumskiIndependent hacker
- kejiro
- kiranhIncomm
- ksheursRamp
- laknathApplied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin University
- landitusBarcelona, Spain
- lucashungaro+Subscribe
- matimanUniversity of Iowa
- njvittoItaly
- paulsinghWashington, DC and 35,000 feet.
- RemoteCTO@getdinghy
- ryanwoodMoonClerk
- sanford
- sr3d
- tobiShopify
- viniciustelesCasal Partiu
- vjprBerlin, Germany
- webwaldo
- wookiTremr
- ZenCocoonBookingSync