To prepare your environment you need to follow these instructions. Please, if you can, mind to the versions because it's easy to have incompatibilities.
create a new conda env
conda create --name rl python=3.8
conda activate rl
if you are on Windows AND you have a gpu and cuda installed (it's not mandatory!):
for cuda <=11.7 (I have 11.2 and it's working fine):
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
for cuda 11.8:
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
if you don't have a gpu/cuda installed OR you are on Linux:
pip install torch torchvision
install other packets:
pip install ray gym[atari]==0.23.1 gym[accept-rom-license]==0.23.1 opencv-python atari-py pygame numpy
install avalanche 0.3.1 (note that you will need to change some files there, so I suggest you to install it manually with -e mode, and to modify the code as follows):
- download this zip file:
- unzip it and go with the terminal inside its folder
pip install -e .
- go to
and substitute line 76 and 116 with this line:exp_counter = strategy.training_exp_counter
- download this zip file:
install avalanche-rl
pip install git+
You should see the emulator opening the pong game failing miserably (but you should at lease see it playing).