
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Simple loading spinners animated with CSS. See demo. SpinKit only uses (transform and opacity) CSS animations to create smooth and easily customizable animations.


  • Add spinkit.css or spinkit.min.css to your project (or copy-paste the CSS that you need for your spinner—there are no dependencies between spinners, no shared classes, and no shared animations, etc, so it should be fairly straight-forward to extract only the code that you need)
  • Add a spinner to your project by copy-pasting HTML from spinkit.css or examples.html
  • Add the sk-center utility class to the spinner to center it (it sets margin to auto)
  • By default, the width and height of all spinners are set to 40px. background-color is set to #333.
  • Configure the spinner by overwriting the CSS variables, primarily --sk-size (spinner width & height) and --sk-color (spinner color). If you need broader browser support, remove the CSS variables.

You can include SpinKit to your project with bower:

$ bower install spinkit

or npm:

$ npm install spinkit


Given that you have included spinkit.min.css in your project, these snippets will produce the different spinners:


<div class="sk-plane"></div>


<div class="sk-chase">
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div>


<div class="sk-bounce">
  <div class="sk-bounce-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-bounce-dot"></div>


<div class="sk-wave">
  <div class="sk-wave-rect"></div>
  <div class="sk-wave-rect"></div>
  <div class="sk-wave-rect"></div>
  <div class="sk-wave-rect"></div>
  <div class="sk-wave-rect"></div>


<div class="sk-pulse"></div>


<div class="sk-flow">
  <div class="sk-flow-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-flow-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-flow-dot"></div>


<div class="sk-swing">
  <div class="sk-swing-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-swing-dot"></div>


<div class="sk-circle">
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-dot"></div>

Circle Fade

<div class="sk-circle-fade">
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>
  <div class="sk-circle-fade-dot"></div>


<div class="sk-grid">
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-grid-cube"></div>


<div class="sk-fold">
  <div class="sk-fold-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-fold-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-fold-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-fold-cube"></div>


<div class="sk-wander">
  <div class="sk-wander-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-wander-cube"></div>
  <div class="sk-wander-cube"></div>

Web browser compatibility

SpinKit uses CSS animations and variables:

Implementing a fallback spinner

How do you know if you need to provide a fallback? You can check for animation support with Modernizr, or manually check for the animation property, and replace the spinner with a GIF if it's not supported:

function browserSupportsCSSProperty(propertyName) {
  var elm = document.createElement('div');
  propertyName = propertyName.toLowerCase();

  if (elm.style[propertyName] != undefined)
    return true;

  var propertyNameCapital = propertyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propertyName.substr(1),
    domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz ms O'.split(' ');

  for (var i = 0; i < domPrefixes.length; i++) {
    if (elm.style[domPrefixes[i] + propertyNameCapital] != undefined)
      return true;

  return false;

Use it to check for animation support:

if (!browserSupportsCSSProperty('animation')) {
  // fallback…