Http Timeout Handling Poc

Scenario: Service calls webhook and gives it a certain amount of time before it abandons the request (timeout).

Quick poc to better understand how intentionally timing out http requests affects the connection between client and server and how the server can notice that a timeout happened.


#build jar
mvn package

#start webhook server
java -cp target/HttpTimeoutHandlingPoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.test.server.WebhookServer

#(in separate console) start client making requests to webhook
java -cp target/HttpTimeoutHandlingPoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.test.client.Client



The request succeeded with status 200
The request timed out


Sleep duration: 100
Sending the response succeeded
Sleep duration: 1000
Sending the response failed