I use this very simple function blocks to control a floor in our house. As broker i use Mosquitto. "Smart home" is done with OpenHab. Alexa is also working a bit thanks to OpenHab.
Uses MQTT Version 3.1.1. See http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html.
It does not send the DICONNECT telegram!
No last will, not QoS, not HTTPS, no nothing.
My CX8090 needs around 30ms cycle time with about 210 publish and about 230 subscribe calls (used global search).
TcpIp.lib TcUtilities.lib
Stores the MQTT settings used for the function blocks.
Holds a single MQTT telegram (raw data).
Holds a decoded MQTT telegram and used internal.
Function block for internal usage.
Controls the connection to the MQTT broker. When bActive is TRUE it starts a connection. Sends and receives the data. Must be called every PLC cycle.
bActive = Use MQTT (connect to the broker)
sMqttClientId = A client id like "MyMqttClient"
sMqttUserId = A user id for the broker connection ('' = none), defaults to '', caution: transmitted unencrypted
sMqttPassword = A password for the broker connection ('' = none), defaults to '', caution: transmitted unencrypted
sMqttBrokerIP = The IPV4 address from the broker
nMqttBrokerPort = The port from the broker, normaly 1883
bBusy = The function block is doing something
stMqttSettings = A global variable for the datatype ST_MQTTSETTINGS
If there is a valid connection, bValidConnection in ST_MQTTSETTINGS is TRUE.
Send a value for a topic. On the first call it will publish the value from sValue. The it checks every call if the value has changed. When this happens, it sends the new value. Must be called every PLC cycle.
sTopic = The mqtt topic to publish on
sValue = The value which will be sent
bRetain = See http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html#_Toc398718037, defaults to TRUE
bBusy = The function block is doing something
stMqttSettings = A global variable for the datatype ST_MQTTSETTINGS, use the same you used with FB_MQTT_CONTROLLER
Subscribe to a MQTT topic and receive data. Must be called every PLC cycle.
sTopic = The mqtt topic for the subscribtion
bAccept = When FALSE, subscribe but do not set bNewValue output
sValue = The received value
bNewValue = A new telegram for topic has arrived. The function block does NOT check if the value is different to the last recevied value for this topic.
bBusy = The function block is doing something
stMqttSettings = A global variable for the datatype ST_MQTTSETTINGS, use the same you used with FB_MQTT_CONTROLLER
Below is a sample for a light or switchable plug. Old Mqtt1 plugin.
Switch Light "A room name"
(Group1, Group2)
[ "Lighting" ]