
Example project for computing the roots of the given polynomial through the secant method to get the approximations.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Example Project: Secant Method

EP   GitHub Repository

GitHub Project License

Example project for computing the roots of the given polynomial through the secant method to get the approximations, written in a C++ console application.


If you wish to extend this project just take into account some considerations:

  • Clearing the console only worked for me when debugging with VS, not when running the generated executable.

  • Get aware of how to take the results, in this case, I computed the algorithm without rounding anything until finishing and then rounding the x value found and also rounding P(x) according to the decimal precision of 4 decimals.

  • The coefficient implementation for the polynomial class can be optimized to avoid storing huge polynomials with lots of zero coefficients, it was just not necessary to do for this project.

  • I didn't handle when a root was found but outside of [a, b], it's up to you.

  • The iterations can be printed, consider when the number of iterations is less than a small number to avoid polluting the console with hundreds of iterations.

  • The codebase can be significantly enhanced, but consider that coding C++ is time-consuming.


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


This software: GitHub Repository

Tobias Briones: GitHub

Example Project: App


Example Project: Secant Method

Example project for computing the roots of the given polynomial through the secant method to get the approximations.

Copyright © 2019-2020 Tobias Briones. All rights reserved.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.