A simple example to demonstrate that the HAPI FHIR Validator does not respect profiles for validation that were supplied using the ValidationOptions object.

The tests can be run with this command:

mvn test

All tests will succeed expect for the test named testValidateResourceWithoutProfileAndVersionAgainstUnavailableProfileExplicitly:

[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures: 
[ERROR]   ValidationTest.testValidateResourceWithoutProfileAndVersionAgainstUnavailableProfileExplicitly:146 expected: <false> but was: <true>
[ERROR] Tests run: 9, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

The code in this project calls the validator as is described in the documentation here. This documentation right now claims the following statement, that is falsified by this example project.

 * Note: You can also explicitly declare a profile to validate against
 * using the block below.
// ValidationResult result = validator.validateWithResult(obs, new ValidationOptions().addProfile("http://myprofile.com"));