
Wikifolio Bot - Tool for automated trading on wikifolio

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

🤖 WikifolioPy

Wikifolio Trading Bot - Tool for automated trading on wikifolio

✅ What is implemented?

Currently, the following features are implemented:

  • Login/Logout - automated login/out from your Wikifolio account

  • Retrieve Portfolio Value - function to retrieve

    • Portfolio's Total Value in EUR
    • Total available Cash Value in EUR

    Remark: you do not need to be logged in to use this functionality. Hence, it's possible to retrieve both values from any public wikifolio

  • Retrieve Portfolio Items - function to retrieve all instruments in portfolio

⌛ What needs to be implemented?

  • AddOrderMarket - function to add a Market Order

  • AddOrderLimit - function to add a Limit Order