
API Service of ImmoScout project (see scraped results and organize them)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ImmoScout - API

API Service of ImmoScout project (scrape, see results and organize them)

Getting started

npm i

Copy .env-example file to .env and update values

Download or Copy and Paste the Service Account Key file from Google Cloud / Service Account or from another device where the project is already set up and paste it in the root as /google-cloud-service-account-key.json.

  • this authenticates this API to upload files to the Storage from your localhost.

Run npm start

Make a request with POSTMAN:

  • GET localhost:8080/properties
  • Authorization: "Bearer ${process.env.AUTH_TOKEN}" (see in you environments)

API Routes

GET /properties/:id

GET /properties


POST /properties

creates property and uploads all body.images (array of urls as strings / optional) as webp files into bucket. The filenames of the uploads are replaced by incremental indices: 0.webp, 1.webp etc.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • body: { scout_id: "...", images: ["...", ], ... }
  • response:
    • 201
    • { "message": "Property created" }

POST /upload

upload a file into property (file into bucket / filename into DB: properties[i].uploads[j]). Gives filename a suffix if filename already exists.

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • body:
    • :someFileName: File
    • propertyId: number
  • response:
    • 201
    • { "message": "uploaded to bucket..." }


Continuous Deployment to Google Cloud Run

  • always on Branch main

Deploy manual to Google Cloud Run

Build your container image using Cloud Build

# gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/{PROJECT_ID}/{SERVICE_NAME}
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/tk-immoscout/immoscout-api

Deploy Container Image

# gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/{PROJECT_ID}/{SERVICE_NAME} --platform managed
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/tk-immoscout/immoscout-api --platform managed

Deploy new revision of existing Service

gcloud run deploy SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL

# gcloud run deploy {SERVICE_NAME} --image {IMAGE_URL}
gcloud run deploy immoscout-api --image gcr.io/tk-immoscout/immoscout-api
  • or in GCP Console (Browser) under Cloud Run > {Project} > Edit & Deploy new revision

more infos: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/build-and-deploy

More information