
A workshop about unit testing and TDD (test driven development) in JS / TS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Workshop: unit tests & test driven development


  1. Theory (see Miro board)
  2. How to setup / integrate tests
    1. Plain JS
    2. Create-react-app
      • npx create-react-app {name-of-project}

2.1 Jest with JS

1.1.1 Create a project with JEST

Create a folder jest-js/ inside /example-projects/


cd example-projects/jest-js
npm init -y

create a file .gitignore inside /example-projects/jest-js with this content:



npm install --save-dev jest

Add the following section to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest --watch"

Create a folder src/ inside /example-projects/jest-js


1.1.2 Create your test(s) first

JIRA story: Serialnumber Validation

The user should be warned if he types in a serial number which doesn't match our format:

e.g. "DE-255-233ab34"

Validation Rules

  • consists of 3 segments, divided by a - character
  • first segment:
    • country ISO code
    • 2 chars
    • all capital
  • second segment:
    • 3 digits
    • number between 000 and 360
  • third segment:
    • 6 - 8 chars
    • digits & letters: a, b, c

What you should know


test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
    expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);

Now you!

  • create a file validate-serialnumber.test.js inside /example-projects/jest-js/src/
  • write one or more tests of your validation function (which doesn't exist yet)
  • run npm run test
    • it runs until you stop it and watches for code changes
    • observe the output while developing (place the terminal in your view)
  • your test(s) should fail
  • create the function validateSerialnumber(serial): boolean
    • either in a seperate file and module.exports it and require it in your test file
    • or just create the function in your .test.js file (not good for real projects)
  • write code until the test succeeds
  • continue adding tests and / or refactor code