After using InfluxDB Lib Error: The program size (1413836 bytes) is greater than maximum allowed (1310720 bytes)
btotherunner opened this issue · 3 comments
Steps to reproduce:
Environment Status Duration
nodemcuv2_usb SUCCESS 00:00:38.674
nodemcuv2_ota SUCCESS 00:00:29.991
esp32_usb FAILED 00:00:33.738
esp32_ota FAILED 00:00:33.789
Compiling for NodeMCU works fine
For ESP32 we become the follow Error:
Actual behavior:
RAM: [== ] 16.4% (used 53864 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Error: The program size (1413836 bytes) is greater than maximum allowed (1310720 bytes)
Flash: [==========] 107.9% (used 1413836 bytes from 1310720 bytes)
- Version 3.9.0 of InfluxDB-Client
- InfluxDB 1.x
- ESX32
- Platformio
So, it looks like your app is very large (many other libraries used), and adding this lib causes the binary to grow out of limits.
I'm not really sure I can help you anyhow.
I've checked your repo (interesting project, btw) and your dependency list is quite huge:
lebuni/ZACwire for TSic @ ^2.0.0
schm1tz1/TSIC @ ^1.1.2
milesburton/DallasTemperature @ ^3.9.1
paulstoffregen/OneWire @ ^2.3.5
adafruit/Adafruit_VL53L0X @ ^1.1.1
olkal/HX711_ADC @ ^1.2.8
olikraus/U8g2 @ ^2.28.8
br3ttb/PID @ ^1.2.1
knolleary/PubSubClient @ ^2.8
me-no-dev/AsyncTCP @ ^1.1.1
me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer @ ^1.2.3
bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ ^6.18.5
tobiasschuerg/ESP8266 Influxdb @ 3.9.0
What do you expect from me regarding this library? You could blame also other dependencies.
To overcome your problem, you can add a compile time dependency for selection just one option to send data: either MQTT or InfluxDB.
Another solution is choosing a different partition scheme. If you don't use SPIFFS much, you can select Minimal SPIFFS
where APP can be 1.9MB.
Closing, as it is not a direct library error and there is no response from the submitter.