Simple library for sending measurements to an InfluxDB with a single network request. Supports ESP8266 and ESP32.
- 0
InfluxDB V1 - read timeout
#237 opened by DieterWelter - 2
- 0
error: 'WiFiClient' does not name a type WiFiClient *_wifiClient = nullptr;
#235 opened by syaiful-31 - 1
Query: Batch Write and Tags
#221 opened by Timmwardion - 8
Library error
#233 opened by Ursu-Alex - 3
- 2
Need example for InfluxDB V1 with user/password auth
#232 opened by Derek-K - 0
To big BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure buffer size
#231 opened by se-fLa - 2
Support Create Organisation (influxDB v2)
#224 opened by CoolZeroNL - 1
- 1
How to keep the batch data in PSRAM?
#228 opened by tomalex-v - 3
Slow write speed to local influxdb
#225 opened by tomalex-v - 3
double time to publish
#223 opened by homonto - 2
you can delete it now ;-)
#222 opened by homonto - 3
- 13
InfluxDB write failed: connection failed
#216 opened by ewwachter - 3
Help with writing in batches
#220 opened by hoellwerth - 2
http status code 499
#219 opened by gasagna - 2
- 5
- 2
- 1
why influxdb not show Results
#214 opened by oumpack - 3
Allow force write
#213 opened by gasagna - 1
getTimeStamp signature
#212 opened by fl4p - 9
core_version.h doesn't exists
#183 opened by juanitomaille - 2
imported (unzipped) library in Arduino/libraries folder but doesn't show in "include library"
#207 opened by K1WIZ - 5
- 2
- 4
Flux Types Do Not Match Flux Specs
#208 opened by imasonaz - 2
Class Point also used in other libraries
#205 opened by walserchr - 2
getting a timestamp for any purpose (logging)
#203 opened by LFrank2021 - 1
- 1
Double treated+sent as float
#199 opened by T1j3ff - 3
Is the library thread safe?
#195 opened by maxdd - 1
ESP32 Console logging to Grafana
#194 opened by maxdd - 9
ESP8266_Influxdb 3.12.1 error 'virtual int InfluxDBClient::BatchStreamer::availableForWrite()' marked 'override', but does not override
#196 opened by 3Dnerd - 1
- 15
- 1
Influxdb data sending with sim800l
#192 opened by ilcnet - 0
can write from esp8266
#191 opened by SaimShuja - 2
ESP8266_Influxdb/src/InfluxDbClient.h:210:21: error: 'virtual int InfluxDBClient::BatchStreamer::availableForWrite()' marked override, but does not override
#190 opened by cbrassel - 1
Invalid URL Scheme
#188 opened by tfin93 - 4
Cannot compile examples
#186 opened by gerritzen - 4
Connection refused to InfluxDB
#187 opened by thewackyseal - 6
Compiling sketch issue
#182 opened by Vacxe - 2
- 3
After using InfluxDB Lib Error: The program size (1413836 bytes) is greater than maximum allowed (1310720 bytes)
#171 opened by btotherunner - 13
Cannot pass HTTP Basic Auth
#178 opened by danepowell - 1
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