
:deciduous_tree: RGBASM grammar for tree-sitter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RGBASM grammar for tree-sitter.


RGBASM is the assembler dialect used for programming Game Boy games with the Rednex Game Boy Development System (RGBDS).

This is sometimes erroneously referred to as "Z80 assembler"; although the Game Boy's CPU is similar to Z80 and 8080, it's distinct from them, and using Z80 grammars isn't ideal, especially when using RGBASM features.

Language references


install -g node-gyp
tree-sitter generate
npm install
node-gyp build

Or something. Read tree-sitter's documentation.


This is a work in progress. Currently, many tests fail while I'm reworking the grammar to complete it.

To run the entire test suite:

tree-sitter test

To run just a single test file, located in the corpus/ directory, use -f. For example, to test comment parsing:

tree-sitter test -f 'Comments'