- 🚀 Real-time process monitoring
- 💻 CPU and Memory usage tracking
- 🎨 Beautiful, modern UI with dark/light themes
- 🔍 Process search and filtering
- 📌 Pin important processes
- 🛠 Process management (kill processes)
- 🎯 Sort by any column
- 🔄 Auto-refresh system stats
- Frontend: SvelteKit, TypeScript
- Backend: Rust, Tauri
- Styling: CSS Variables for theming
- Icons: FontAwesome
- Node.js (v16 or later)
- Rust (latest stable)
- Xcode Command Line Tools (for macOS)
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run in development mode
npm run tauri dev
# Build for production
npm run tauri build
# Build universal macOS binary
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