This project implements a REST API of the Cookidoo® website. For example, you can retrieve recipe information for a specific recipe or information for all recipes on your weekly schedule. To get the information, the Cookidoo® website is scraped.
- ajarzynPoland
- bencKyber BV
- BigPig22Bechtle Hamburg
- cereyanli
- chlebnymaciejPoland
- dadaniel
- daes10
- djcrashu
- DytroxxGermany
- ferminvz
- ffittschen@Sixt
- flecmart
- frankenmichl@SUSE
- geek-meekGeek Meek
- GM-Alexfoun10 GmbH
- Good4lienMoscow, Russia
- JonasHinterdorfer
- jvican@netflix
- kamilgo
- kukuchta
- LeanoJGermany
- louloubadillo
- makowek
- mattitjaHamburg, Germany
- maximebjGrenoble, France
- mrehorUniversity of Luxembourg
- mstrzeleGdańsk, Poland
- nameless-dev
- ngjunsiangSingapore
- paciks
- radzatm
- sasa962
- SciLorMunich, Germany
- shrineofsecrets
- SonjaLindi
- vekexasia