
One Hour Website

Primary LanguageHTML

For project building it`s used https://github.com/yeoman/generator-gulp-webapp.

Getting Started

  • Install dependencies: npm install --global gulp bower
  • Run npm install; bower install to install packages
  • Run gulp serve to run project locally. This will fire up a local web server, open http://localhost:9000 in your default browser and watch files for changes, reloading the browser automatically via LiveReload.
  • Run bower install --save <package> to install frontend dependencies
  • Run gulp to build your webapp for production
  • Run gulp serve:dist to preview the production build

Structure of the project

  • app: source code. It's used SCSS preprocessor and Bootstrap3 for stylesheets, vanilla Java Script and HTML for everything else.
  • dist: production build

Google Analytics

To add Google Analytics uncomment block in app/index.html file and change UA-XXXXXX-X to be your site's ID.

Hosting project on GitHub

To host project please follow the instruction https://pages.github.com/ Just need to clone this project to your repository and create gh-pages branch. Fire up a browser and go to http://username.github.io/repository.