a collection of common datastructures written in C
open addressing hashmap with linear probing. table size is ensured to stay prime even upon resize to prevent clustering. default hash algorithm is djb2.
insert | O(1) amortized |
lookup | O(1) |
remove | O(1) |
contains | O(1) |
count | O(1) |
iterate | O(n) |
space consumption depends heavily on growth rate and load factor threshold. A higher growth rate and lower threshold result in higher memory usage but overall better performance due to smaller probability of hash collisions. By default growth rate is 2 and load factor threshold is 0.5 resulting in an average load between 0.25 and 0.5.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "hashmap.h"
main (void)
Hashmap h;
Iterator it;
Key key;
Any value;
map_init (&h);
map_insert (h, "a", 1);
map_insert (h, "b", 2);
map_insert (h, "c", 3);
map_insert (h, "d", 4);
map_iter_init (&it, h);
while (map_iter_has_next (it)) {
map_iter_next (it, &key, &value);
printf ("%s => %d\n", key, value);
map_lookup (h, "a", &value);
map_remove (h, "c");
map_iter_free (it);
map_free (h);
return 0;
a memory efficient implementation of a doubly linked list. Each node only stores one address field containing the bitwise XOR of the memory addresses from the previous and next node.
first | O(1) |
last | O(1) |
lpop | O(1) |
rpop | O(1) |
lpush | O(1) |
rpush | O(1) |
at | O(n) |
pop_at | O(n) |
push_at | O(n) |
reverse | O(1) |
len | O(1) |
iterate | O(n) |
#include <stdio.h>
#include "list.h"
main (void)
List l;
Iterator it;
Any element;
list_init (&l);
list_lpush (l, "b");
list_lpush (l, "a");
list_rpush (l, "d");
list_push_at (l, 2, "c");
list_reverse (l);
list_iter_init (&it, l);
while (list_iter_has_next (it)) {
list_iter_next (it, &element);
printf ("%s\n", element);
list_first (l, &element);
list_lpop (l, &element);
list_rpop (l, NULL);
list_pop_at (l, 1, &element);
list_iter_free (it);
list_free (l);
return 0;
simple Stack.
peek | O(1) |
pop | O(1) |
push | O(1) |
size | O(1) |
iterate | O(n) |
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stack.h"
main (void)
Stack s;
Iterator it;
Any element;
stack_init (&s);
stack_push (s, "a");
stack_push (s, "b");
stack_push (s, "c");
stack_iter_init (&it, s);
while (stack_iter_has_next (it)) {
stack_iter_next (it, &element);
printf ("%s\n", element);
stack_peek (s, &element);
stack_pop (s, NULL);
stack_pop (s, &element);
stack_iter_free (it);
stack_free (s);
return 0;