
Spring integration for GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Spring GraphQL

GraphQL support for Spring applications with GraphQL Java.

Build status

Getting started

This project is tested against Spring Boot 2.4+.

You can start by creating a project on https://start.spring.io and select the spring-boot-starter-web or spring-boot-starter-webflux starter, depending on the type of web application you'd like to build. Once the project is generated, you can manually add the org.springframework.experimental:graphql-spring-boot-starter dependency.

build.gradle snippet:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.springframework.experimental:graphql-spring-boot-starter:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
    // Spring Web MVC starter
    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
    // OR Spring WebFlux starter
    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux'


repositories {
    // don't forget to add spring milestone or snapshot repositories
    maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/milestone' }
    maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/snapshot' }

pom.xml snippet:

    <!-- Spring Web MVC starter -->
    <!-- OR Spring WebFlux starter -->
    <!-- ... -->

<!-- Don't forget to add spring milestone or snapshot repositories -->
        <name>Spring Milestones</name>
        <name>Spring Snapshots</name>

You can now add a GraphQL schema in src/main/resources/schema.graphqls such as:

type Query {
    people: [Person]!

type Person {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

Then you should configure the data fetching process using a RuntimeWiringCustomizer and custom components like Spring Data repositories, WebClient instances for Web APIs, a @Service bean, etc.

public class PersonDataWiring implements RuntimeWiringCustomizer {

	private final PersonService personService;

	public PersonDataWiring(PersonService personService) {
		this.personService = personService;

	public void customize(RuntimeWiring.Builder builder) {
		builder.type("Query", typeWiring -> typeWiring
				.dataFetcher("people", env -> this.personService.findAll()));

You can now start your application! A GraphiQL web interface is available at http://localhost:8080/graphql and you can use GraphQL clients to POST queries at the same location.


Core configuration

The Spring GraphQL project offers a few configuration properties to customize your application:

# web path to the graphql endpoint
# location of the graphql schema file
# schema printer endpoint configuration
# endpoint path is concatenated with the main path, so "/graphql/schema" by default
# whether micrometer metrics should be collected for graphql queries

You can contribute RuntimeWiringCustomizer beans to the context in order to configure the runtime wiring of your GraphQL application.

WebSocket support

This project also supports WebSocket as a transport for GraphQL requests - you can use it to build Subscription queries. This use case is powered by Reactor Flux, check out the samples/webflux-websocket sample application for more.

To enable this support, you need to configure the spring.graphql.websocket.path property in your application and have the required dependencies on classpath. In the case of a Servlet application, adding the spring-boot-starter-websocket should be enough.

WebSocket support comes with dedicated properties:

# Path of the GraphQL WebSocket subscription endpoint.
# Time within which the initial {@code CONNECTION_INIT} type message must be received.

Extension points

You can contribute WebInterceptor beans to the application context, so as to customize the ExecutionInput or the ExecutionResult of the query. A custom WebInterceptor can, for example, change the HTTP request/response headers.

Testing support

When the spring-boot-starter-test dependency is on the classpath, Spring GraphQL provides a testing infrastructure for your application.

Spring Boot allows you to test your web application with with a mock environment or with a running server. In both cases, adding the @AutoConfigureGraphQlTester annotation on your test class will contribute a GraphQlTester bean you can inject and use in your tests:

public class MockMvcGraphQlTests {

	private GraphQlTester graphQlTester;

	void jsonPath() {
		String query = "{" +
				"  project(slug:\"spring-framework\") {" +
				"    releases {" +
				"      version" +
				"    }" +
				"  }" +



If the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency is on the classpath, metrics will be collected for GraphQL requests. You can see those metrics by exposing the metrics endpoint with application.properties:


GraphQL Request (timer)

A Request metric timer is available at /actuator/metrics/graphql.request.

Tag Description Sample values
outcome Request outcome "SUCCESS", "ERROR"

GraphQL Data Fetcher (timer)

A Data Fetcher metric timer is available at /actuator/metrics/graphql.datafetcher.

Tag Description Sample values
path data fetcher path "Query.project"
outcome data fetching outcome "SUCCESS", "ERROR"

GraphQL Error (counter)

A counter metric counter is available at /actuator/metrics/graphql.error.

Tag Description Sample values
errorType error type "DataFetchingException"
errorPath error JSON Path "$.project"

Sample applications

This repository contains sample applications that the team is using to test new features and ideas.

You can run them by cloning this repository and typing on the command line:

$ ./gradlew :samples:webmvc-http:bootRun
$ ./gradlew :samples:webflux-websocket:bootRun


This project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.