
MERN Stack Full Ecommerce Site - Using React, Redux, Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MERN Stack Full Ecommerce Site - Using React, Redux, Node.js

Nunua home page

Tech stack overview

Below is a brief overview of the tech stack leveraged to bring Avodoc to life.


  • React
  • Redux


  • Node js
  • Express
  • Mongo DB

Env Variables

Add your config variables values in the config.env file in backend/config folder

Install Dependencies (Frontend)

cd frontend npm i

Install Dependencies (Backend)

npm i

Seed Database

Use the following commeand to put some dummy products in that database. Run it in the root folder. npm run seeder


All contributions to help improve the application's features and functionalities are welcome. Fork the repository and create a pull request with your modifications. I'll be sure to review them.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.