
Add called command in Websocket response?

codmpm opened this issue · 4 comments

First off, thank you for a WS2812 controller with an dedicated API!

It would be nice to have the issued command in the response of the websocket message. Something like #ok or color:ok.

Right now it kind of difficult to distinguish between an answer to a command or if you just polled for the current status. Or did I miss something?


Hi Patrik,

This sounds useful. I will have a look at it as soon as I find time. Or you could file a pull request if you already have something.


Sadly not. Did not do a deep dive into code, yet ;-)

I have some more questions, maybe you can get back to me. I've alreay tried to reach out to you via FB.


I saw your FB message once but it has completely disappeared, so I was not able to answer. Maybe you could just resend the message.

resent :)