$ npm install
$ npm install sequelize-cli -g
$ createdb allstaas-test
$ createdb allstaas-dev
$ sequelize db:migrate
$ sequelize db:migrate --env test
To run tests:
$ mocha
To open project:
$ node server/server.js
navigate to http://localhost:6840/ in browser
We would like a web application that allows users to list spaces they have available, and to hire spaces for the night.
As a host,
so I can rent my space,
I want to be able to create a listing on All Staas BnB
As a user,
so I can view available listings,
I want to see the listings on the homepage
As a user,
so I can stay at a listing,
I want to be able to create a booking request
As a user,
so I can use All Staas BnB,
I would like to be able to create an account
As a user,
so I can use the website as me,
I want to be able to log in to the All Staas BnB website
As a user,
to stop others posting as me,
I want to be able to log out of the All Staas BnB website
As a host,
so I can rent multiple spaces,
I want to be able to create multiple listings
As a host,
so that I can describe my space,
I want to be able to provide a name, description and price
As a host,
so that I can control when my space is available,
I want to be able to offer a range of available dates
As a user,
so that I can rent a space,
I want to be able to submit a booking request
As a host,
so that I can control who rents my space
I want to be able to approve or reject the booking
As a user,
so that I know which dates are not available,
I want to be able to see which dates are already booked
As a host,
so that I do not receive multiple requests for the same dates,
I want the space to be made unavailable when a request is made