
babylotec rails app

Primary LanguageHTML


$babylon is developed as software to collaborate on the materials of the babylon excavation

  • module / group / project management

  • bibliography management for projects

  • museal-Object management

  • citation, document and asset management per object

  • to be continued …


Build to run on Rails 3.2.16 with Ruby 2.0.0. Needs PostgreSQL >=9.1 because of the hstore extension.


Is not really special. It’s a rails app and therefore needs a working Ruby 2.0 installation with ruby gems and a postgres installation for which you have priviledges. You also need to set some variables: GMAIL_USERNAME GMAIL_PASSWORD AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_S3_BUCKET HEROKUHOST HEROKUDB HEROKUUSERNAME HEROKUPASSWORD or you will need to adapt it for your setup. Obviously, the Herokuvariables are for the database, the AWS-variables for file-uploads and gmail is for sending emails from the app.


Thank you to all those who helped me creating this application. Especially all the people who contribute to the open source community!