Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'has_issues', git: 'git://'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Run the following command to copy has_issues's initializer and migration to your app:
$ rake has_issues:install
Or alternatively:
$ rake has_issues:install:initializers
$ rake has_issues:install:migrations
And then execute:
$ rake db:migrate
Current User object
has to be added to the current_user model and there should be a current_user initializer with
ActionController::Base.class_exec do
helper_method :current_user
def current_user
@current_user ||= User.first
has to be added
Routes HasIssues has to be mounted anywhere you like to add issues.
mount HasIssues::Engine, at: "/"
<%= yield :title %>
needs to be specified in application.html.erb 's head.
Button to Issues index page
<%= has_issue_track(@subject) %>
Link to all issues index page
<%= link_to 'all issues', all_issues_path %>
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.