
OpenShift template and Dockerfile for Lobsters on OpenShift

Primary LanguageRuby

Lobsters on OpenShift

This repository contains an OpenShift 3 template to easily deploy Lobsters on OpenShift. With this template it's possible to run your own Lobsters instance f.e. on APPUiO.

Docker Automated build Docker Automated build


0 Create OpenShift project

Create an OpenShift project if not already provided by the service

oc new-project $PROJECT

1 Deploy Database

oc -n openshift process mariadb-persistent -p MYSQL_DATABASE=lobsters | oc -n $PROJECT create -f -

2 Deploy Lobsters

First deploy the DB initialization job, then Lobsters itself.

oc -n $PROJECT apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/job-db-initialize.yaml
oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/template.yaml | oc -n $PROJECT apply -f -
oc -n $PROJECT expose service lobsters

Template parameters

Execute the following command to get the available parameters:

oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/template.yaml --parameters

3 Customize Lobsters

Customization can be done using ConfigMaps or by forking the Lobsters project and adapt the build-time parameter GITHUB_NAMESPACE to point to the fork. In the case of a fork you must update the DeploymentConfiguration to point to your own build of a Lobsters Docker image.

Custom CSS using a ConfigMap

oc -n $PROJECT create configmap lobsters-custom --from-file custom.css
oc -n $PROJECT volume dc/lobsters --add --name=lobsters-custom -t configmap \
  -m /opt/lobsters/app/assets/stylesheets/local --configmap-name=lobsters-custom

Custom Views using a ConfigMap

oc -n $PROJECT create configmap lobsters-views --from-file about.html.erb
oc -n $PROJECT volume dc/lobsters --add --name=lobsters-views -t configmap \
  -m /opt/lobsters_views --configmap-name=lobsters-views


There is no admin interface, it must be done manually:

oc -n $PROJECT rsh dc/lobsters rails c
Tag.create(tag: "hello", description: "example tag", is_media: false)


It's also possible to fiddle around directly in the database:

oc rsh dc/mariadb
select * from tags;
delete from tags where id = 1;
insert into tags set tag = 'mytag';


There are some cronjobs availabe for sending mails or tweeting links:

oc -n $PROJECT apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/cronjob-mail.yaml
oc -n $PROJECT apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/cronjob-twitter.yaml

E-Mail sending

To send E-Mails, a mail sending service like Mailgun must be configured:

oc -n $PROJECT env dc/lobsters \
  SMTP_HOST=smtp.mailgun.org \
  SMTP_USERNAME=postmaster@mydomain.com \
  SMTP_PASSWORD=mypassword \
  SMTP_PORT=587 \



You can use the provided DB dump CronJob template:

oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/master/openshift/cronjob-mariadb-backup.yaml | oc -n $PROJECT apply -f -

This script dumps the DB to the same PV as the database stores it's data. You must make sure that you copy these files away to a real backup location.


Very welcome!

  1. Fork it (https://github.com/tobru/lobsters-openshift/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request