
this is a script collection that stores utm parameters in cooke and offers a service to add them into a hidden field of a html form for submission into i.e. a CRM system.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


this is a script collection that stores utm parameters in cooke and offers a service to add them into a hidden field of a html form for submission into i.e. a CRM system.

How to use it?

There is the scrip SmartUTMJar.js. This script should be added to every webpage where you want to catch UTM/gclid parameters or organic search parameters. The script writes a cookie with your parameters or your google referrer. Your forms on your website should contain three hidden fields with the ids or names (e.g ** <input name="smujarHistory"> **):

  • smujarHistory -> the full history of visits in handy json format
  • smujarFirstVisit -> the campagne/clickid for the first visit
  • smujarFirstVisitTime -> the timestamp for the first visit When a user opens the site with the form the script tries to fill every hidden field with the ids: smujarFirstVisitTime, smujarFirstVisit, smujarHistory. On submit the data is transferred but the cookie will still remain in the users cookie jar.

How to test it?

The repository contains a python webserver which can be started with: python utmparams.py. You will find the webserver on http://localhost:5003 and you can play around with utm prameters.

  • An example URL: http://localhost:5003/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=december_2018 . When you submit your form the webserver will output something like this on the command line: ** Got UTM Parameter: ImmutableMultiDict([('firstname', 'Mickey'), ('utmstuff', '[{"utm_source":"google","utm_medium":"email","utm_campaign":"december_2018","visit":"5-12-2018T10:11:00Z"},{"gclid":"lalala","visit":"5-12-2018T10:10:00Z"}]'), ('firstVisit', 'lalala'), ('firstVisitTime', '5-12-2018T10:10:00Z')])*

The format for BI/Analytics Tools?

  • The format is JSON. The history will be transmitted as a ordered json list. The first visit is the last element in the list.
  • smujarFirstVisit -> is a string with the campaing/clickId. The format is: utm_source-utm_medium-utm_campaign-gclid
  • smujarFirstVisitTime -> timestring in the format: YYYY-MM-DTHH:MM:00Z. Timezone is always in UTC

Disable Cookies

If a user does not allow tracking cookies the cookie needs to be disabled. There is a function which provides this kind of functionality. Add: disableSmujarCookie() anywhere to disable the tracking.