
Automatically match the native target Android SDK version with the one installed.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Android SDK Numic Plugin Logo

Numic plugin to configure native folders to use the currently installed Android SDK. This ensures the build will always be successful even after updating the system.


This plugin requires the project is managed through numic.

npm i --save-dev android-sdk-numic-plugin

buildToolsVersion, compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion will be set to the newest one installed, while minSdkVersion will default to the React Native template unless configured explicitly. apilevels.com can help in determining the appropriate minSdkVersion for your application. Check the Android Version History on Wikipedia to determine the latest Android version used as compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion. The buildToolsVersion is more specific and should match the exact one you have installed. This plugin aims to be updated regularly to always point to the latest Android release. When developing it's often a good idea to try the application with the latest preview version to ensure future compatibility.


Make sure to update or install the Android SDK CLI Tools. This can be done when opening a project with Android Studio and clicking the icon "SDK Manager" on the top-right.

Updating Android CLI Tools

Furthermore, it's important to properly configure the $ANDROID_HOME variable. On macOS when installing Android Studio this can be set to export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk in ~/.zshrc.


The detailed Android SDK versions can be configured in package.json under the numic property. This will override automatically using the installed version as described above.

  "name": "my-app",
  "numic": {
    "android-sdk-numic-plugin": {
      "compileSdkVersion": 34,
      "targetSdkVersion": 34,
      "minSdkVersion": 21,
      "buildToolsVersion": "34.0.0"