
Powershell functions used to communicate with Tinder API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Powershell functions used to communicate with Tinder API.

Note: Not yet working with Facebook authentication.


Use Invoke-TinderLiker to swipe right on every possible match

  1. Download Invoke-TinderLiker.ps1

  2. Run Invoke-TinderLiker.ps1 from PowerShell

  3. Enter phone number when prompted. Should be county code + phone number e.g. 4588888888

  4. Enter SMS code sent to your mobile

  5. To end the loop press "CTRL + C"


Build a classifier and use Azure Cognitive Services AI to automatically like or pass users, based on how you train your model.

  1. Download config.json and Invoke-TinderCustomVisionAPI, and place them in the same directory.

  2. Follow MS guidance on how to buld your classifier: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/custom-vision-service/getting-started-build-a-classifier

  3. Upload 5 images of ugly girls and tag the images "Not", and upload 5 images of hot girls and tag them "Hot" And set your prediction as "default".

  4. Input your PhoneNumber you use with Tinder in config.json file.

  5. Input Prediction-Key and Image URL in config.json file. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/custom-vision-service/use-prediction-api

  6. From Powershell simply run .\Invoke-TinderCustomVisonAPI.ps1 - You'll be prompted to enter the code you recieved on your phone from tinder.

  7. After a couple of minutes, end the script by pressing "CTRL + C" and go back to https://customvision.ai under predictions and tag the new images to make the predictions more precise.

  8. Enjoy