- 3
- 43
version 1.9 marked as virus
#211 opened by Darthmineboy - 6
Feature Request: Password protected PDF
#220 opened by mariusnel266 - 2
Converting a directory of files doens't respect de output directory parameter
#221 opened by cdepablo - 7
- 6
- 0
Release 1.12 with corrections
#217 opened by tobya - 3
Unable to delete multiple files in a directory
#214 opened by samer9790 - 1
Provide correct file ext for .ppt files
#189 opened by tobya - 2
Disable Autorun on Excel
#212 opened by tobya - 7
Macro execution on startup
#195 opened by tobya - 5
- 2
Error: EOleSysError Call was rejected by callee
#203 opened by adamlaffond - 1
Filename wildcard
#197 opened by tobya - 1
add --inputfolder as an alias for --inputfile
#185 opened by tobya - 10
PowerPoint issue
#204 opened by chross - 3
Error: EInput file
#207 opened by mindcont - 4
Exiting with Error Code : 220
#206 opened by LEE-JEONGHYUN - 4
- 2
Filename wildcard
#200 opened by tobya - 2
Release new Parameters
#199 opened by klaegera - 20
Some images does not appear in the pdf file
#194 opened by PierreTav - 4
Disable all alerts
#193 opened by hade94 - 2
- 3
Convert DOC to DOCX fails
#186 opened by zsleo01 - 3
ppSaveAsPDF thows error
#188 opened by chross - 0
Chagen name of Encoding Variable
#178 opened by tobya - 3
[Feature Idea] Allow setting of WdExportOptimizeFor
#177 opened by hrst - 2
Implement remaining parameters for ExportasFixedFormat
#159 opened by tobya - 6
Add Visio to supported applications
#154 opened by zaphod69 - 3
[Feature Idea/Request] Allow printing to printer
#176 opened by hrst - 2
error 400 when invoking docTo from IIS/.NET
#175 opened by luigipavan - 3
- 5
Parameter for recursivity
#163 opened by rom11rom - 0
No value Paramus need to dec param counter
#172 opened by tobya - 4
Allow saving to PDF/A
#167 opened by hrst - 1
Clarify Do not overwrite
#171 opened by tobya - 15
Relative path fail for destination
#151 opened by Fentonz - 9
At "Multiple Files and Folders" mode, it stopped at Word's `Show repairs` dialog.
#165 opened by Honghe - 1
-Q still logs
#148 opened by tobya - 12
Suppress dialog for review comments
#162 opened by aggies99 - 2
Support for Office 2021
#166 opened by hrst - 2
path with "-" caracter
#164 opened by rom11rom - 13
Need comment in PDF
#158 opened by wangxi83 - 1
Bug:When docx converts to PDF, there will be an extra horizontal line at the top of the page
#157 opened by tyf2018 - 7
stdout as output option
#147 opened by Sandoun - 11
`--encoding` is not working when exporting to HTML
#155 opened by brrd - 2
Exception when convert PPT to PDF
#153 opened by lixinaha - 4
Running the command line from the SSIS task.
#152 opened by wojt0 - 5