
Twerp the language.

Primary LanguageJava


An experimental language to learn how to implement languages by hand. The language features we are aiming for are:

  • Dynamic
  • Interpreted
  • REPL based


=> 2


  • Is it the visitor's responsibility to validate the semantic correctness of the abstract syntax tree provided by the parser or should the interpreter do that?
    • Probably the interpreter
  • Is the visitor itself going to be the interpreter? Or should the visitor create an intermediate representation that the interpreter uses to generate the java code or byte code?
    • The benefit of separate visitor and interpreter is that if we choose to write our own lexer and parser, we will already be decoupled from ANTLR.


class Thing {
    val property;

    def method = {

val thing = {
  property: "10",
  method: function(first) {


thing.method whatever
thing withAddress "10 Street" andPhoneNumber "312-813-2972"

withAddress_andPhoneNumber(address, phoneNumber) ->
`by id %id and name %name`
`of %`

workgroupFinder by id "123" and name "Whatever"

workgroupFinder.byIdAndName("123", "Whatever")


  • Handle missing source file when reading