
Alternative operating system for IM-Me toy with radio, LCD terminal and keyboard support

Primary LanguageC


PinkOS is a minimal operating system/bootloader for the GirlTech IM-Me and CC111x. http://code.google.com/p/pinkos/ Joby Taffey jrt@hodgepig.org

It provides a bootloader with a command line console (either serially or using LCD + keyboard) and both peer-to-peer and broadcast packet radio.

To get started, read precompiled/README


PinkOS is working, but incomplete.

Desired features include:

  • flash write support in the bootloader
  • a reliable transport protocol
  • flow controlled serial
  • flash based non-volatile config data
  • support for USB CDC on CC1111


Currently, radio network addresses are hardcoded into each firmware. Set the address at compile time with DEVADDR=<0-255>. Note - 0 is the broadcast address.

To build and install PinkOS:

$ make erase

For IM-Me handset: $ make clean && make DEVICE=HANDSET DEVADDR=


For IM-Me dongle: $ make clean && make DEVICE=DONGLE DEVADDR=


To build and install an application: $ cd apps/speccan && make install (note: handset only)


$ cd apps/shellapp && make clean && make DEVICE=DONGLE install $ cd apps/shellapp && make clean && make DEVICE=HANDSET install

LCD Console:

The IM-Me handset version provides a text console using the LCD and keyboard:

  • caps lock is caps lock not shift
  • alt behaves like caps lock
  • the cursor will change to signal the mode
  • key repeat is not supported

Serial Console:

The IM-Me dongle version provides the console over TTL level RS232 at 115200 8-n-1 with no flow control. See http://code.google.com/p/pinkos/wiki/IMMeDongleSerial for the required hardware modifications.

Radio Packet Format:

All radio packets begin with a 5 byte header: uint8_t len; // packet length (not including this byte) uint8_t dstAddr; // destination address uint8_t srcAddr; // source address uint8_t seq; // sequence number, set top bit to request an ACK uint8_t type; // packet type

Console Commands:

help show help text

reset reset

boot boot application from 0x4000

xdata [data8] peek/poke xram "xdata 0xDF2E 0x50" set PA_TABLE0 to 0x50 "xdata 0xDF2E 0x50" set PA_TABLE0 to 0xC2 (10dBm) "xdata 0xDF36" read PARTNUM (chip id)

pdata [data8] peek/poke ram

tx build and send a packet to dst with sequence number seq with type typ containing payload str (str must not contain spaces) "tx 1 0x80 1 hello" sends "hello" to address 1 with a packet type of PACKET_TYPE_PUTS with the ACK request bit set "tx 0 0 1 hello" sends "hello" to the broadcast address

led control local led 0 = off, 1 = on, other = toggle

teleled control a remote led "teleled 0 1" broadcasts a "turn on" packet "teleled 1 0" turns off the led of node 1

gfxinit enable graphics mode on a remote device suspends text console allowing gfxplots

gfxplot HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH plot an 8x8 block on a remote device (0 = black, 1 = white) 0 <= x < 132, 0 <= y < 8 "gfxplot 0 0 0 F0F0F0F00F0F0F0F" broadcast an 8x8 checkerboard to the top left

gfxtest send test pattern to remote device


Joby Taffey jrt@hodgepig.org

Portions Copyright (c) 2010: Travis Goodspeed travis@radiantmachines.com http://daveshacks.blogspot.com