
SketchRNN as an HTTP web server service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SketchRNN HTTP Web Server Service

Autocomplete sketches provided a model name & a list of drawn points via SketchRNN. It'll automatically draw sketches relative to the input data (i.e. no coordinate transformations required). Modified from the original example at https://github.com/MindExMachina/smartgeometry.

Input data format

Run from inside Docker container

docker run -it -d -p 80:80 --name sketchrnn-http-server node:latest

docker exec -it sketchrnn-http-server /bin/sh



apt-get update -y

npm i -g pnpm

Setup Instructions

git clone https://github.com/tobyloki/SketchRNNHttpServer.git

cd SketchRNNHttpServer/services/sketch-rnn

pnpm i

node http-server.js

Test sample endpoint GET http://localhost:80/simple_predict

Host publicly via ngrok

  1. Follow instructions to set up ngrok: https://ngrok.com/download
  2. Run ngrok
ngrok http 80
  1. Copy forwarding endpoint (e.g. https://<id>.ngrok-free.app)