
Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind installer using Ansible with an intuitive and easy Text-based User Interface

Primary LanguageShell

Open Voice OS and HiveMind Installer

A nice, simple, multilingual and intuitive way to install Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind using Bash, Whiptail (Newt) and Ansible.


curl, git and sudo packages must be installed before running the installer.

sh -c "curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenVoiceOS/ovos-installer/main/installer.sh -o installer.sh && chmod +x installer.sh && sudo ./installer.sh && rm installer.sh"

Then follow the instructions display on screen.

[HOWTO] Begin your Open Voice OS journey with the ovos-installer

Supported Linux distributions

Distribution Version
Arch rolling
CentOS >= 8
Debian GNU/Linux >= 10
EndeavourOS rolling
Fedora >= 37
Linux Mint >= 21
openSUSE Leap >= 15
openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling
Manjaro rolling
Raspbian 10
Raspberry Pi OS >= 11
Rocky Linux >=8
Ubuntu >=20.04
WSL2 20.04
Zorin OS >= 16

rolling as rolling Linux distribution which means that there is no specific version.


To update the current Open Voice OS instance, backup your ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf or ~/ovos/config/mycroft.conf (only if required) and re-run installer but answer "No" to the "Do you want to uninstall Open Voice OS?" question.

Automated install

The installer supports a non-interactive (automated) process of installation by using a scenario file, this file must be created under the ~/.config/ovos-installer/ directory and should be named scenario.yaml.

Here is an example of a scenario to install Open Voice OS within Docker containers on a Raspberry Pi 4B with default skills and GUI support.

mkdir -p ~/.config/ovos-installer
cat <<EOF > ~/.config/ovos-installer/scenario.yaml
uninstall: false
method: containers
channel: development
profile: ovos
  skills: true
  extra_skills: false
  gui: true
rapsberry_pi_tuning: true
share_telemetry: true

Few scenarios are available as example in the scenarios directory of this repository.


To uninstall Open Voice OS run the installer with the --uninstall option (non-interactive) or simply run the installer and answer "Yes" to the "Do you want to uninstall Open Voice OS?" question.

sh -c "curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenVoiceOS/ovos-installer/main/installer.sh -o installer.sh && chmod +x installer.sh && sudo ./installer.sh --uninstall && rm installer.sh"


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7