
Create a new Azure Container Instance that runs nginx + letsencrypt, and automatically renews the certificate.

Primary LanguageShell


Create a new Azure Container Instance that runs nginx + letsencrypt, and automatically renews the certificate.


Using the excellent docker image from ilhicas and my handy arm-bootstrapper, this template creates an nginx Container Instance in Azure that automatically retrieves and applies a certificate from LetsEncrypt for the given domain, then opens the specified port for inbound traffic (443 by default).

All configuration is done through the ARM template; however if you need to update your configuration in the future you can simply browse to the storage account this creates and update your default.conf, then restart your Azure Container Instance.

You can also see this technique used effectively in my one-click deployment of the Firefox Sync Service.

Parameter Name What it does Default
configurationStorageAccount name for new Azure Files storage account defaults to Resource Group Name + "stor"
configurationStorageShareName name for Azure Files container where config data lives defaults to "nginx"
publicDomainName public DNS record for your server required
publicPort publicly-exposed port for your server defaults to 443
privateAddress for proxy mode: private IP or nameserver to route requests to (be sure to include http(s):// and optionally specify :port); to simply serve HTML from the storage account set to "none" defaults to "none"
ssl-email email address to use for LetsEncrypt registration defaults to certbot@eff.org
ssl-env LetsEncrypt environment to use for registration defaults to blank; set this to "staging" for testing
useVirtualNetwork Set to true to deploy the containers into a virtual network defaults to false
virtualNetworkName Name for the new virtual network defaults to vn-(resourceGroupName)
addressSpace Address Space for the new virtual network (NOTE: will automatically create a subnet and assign this whole
addressSpace to it) defaults to 10.10.10/24
location Azure region for deployment defaults to ResourceGroup location

services: azure-container-instances,azure-files,nginx,letsencrypt