
Combine subscribe-able calendars to publish a public calendar of your own that respects your privacy

Primary LanguagePython


Combine subscribe-able calendars to publish a public calendar of your own that respects your privacy


1. Create virtualenv (if you haven't already)

$ python3 -m venv venv

2. Activate the virtualenv

# MacOS & Linux
$ . venv/bin/activate
# Windows Powershell
> venv\Scripts\activate

3. Install dependancies within the virtualenv (if you haven't already)

$ pip install flask
$ pip install python-dotenv
$ pip install ics
$ pip install requests

4. Create .env file (if you haven't already)

  • Duplicate .env.example and rename copy to .env
  • Make changes to .env as required

Run the Development Server

$ flask run


Send a HTTP POST request to the flask development server (usually http://localhost:5000)

Required headers:

Content-Type: application/json

JSON body data

	// add as many as you like ...

You will get a response with the combined following header

Content-Type: text/calendar
