
Code examples and additional documentation for using Calimero

Primary LanguageJava

Introduction to Calimero

This repository contains additional documentation for Calimero and code examples.

Examples for Calimero 2.3 (or earlier)

Examples for Calimero version 2.4 (requires Java 8)

All examples can be built (not executed) using Gradle (./gradlew build)

Examples for Calimero version 2.5 snapshots (requires Java 11)

Build examples using ./gradlew :2.5:build, run with ./gradlew :2.5:run

Guide for the KNX push-button device example

  • Run the example in your IDE. Or, from the terminal (put the required jar dependencies in the introduction directory: calimero-core, calimero-device, slf4j-api, optionally slf4j-simple):
   # Compile the Java file
   $ javac -cp "./*" src/main/java/PushButtonDevice.java
   # Start the KNX device
   $ java -cp "./*:src/main/java/" PushButtonDevice
  • Use process communication to read/write the push button state. For example, start the Calimero process communication tool) in group monitor mode (monitor) in a second terminal. Using maven:
   $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="groupmon"

and enter the following commands:

   read 1/0/3 switch
   [response should be printed with switch state off]
   write 1/0/3 on
   r 1/0/3
   [response should be printed with switch state on]
  • Read device information of the Calimero KNX device. For example, using the Calimero Device Info tool
   $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="devinfo 1.1.10"
  • Discover KNX IP device (for the example which supports KNXnet/IP Discovery & Self Description)

    The device should show up in the ETS. Otherwise, you can also use the Calimero discover tool. Using Gradle

      ./gradlew run -Dexec.args="discover"

    Example output:

      Using / at en0
      Control endpoint (IPv4 UDP) "Push Button (KNX IP)"
      KNX address 1.1.10
      KNX medium KNX IP
      installation 0 - project 0 (ID 0)
      routing multicast address
      MAC address f4:5c:89:8a:f4:9b
      S/N 0x000000000000
      Supported services: Core (v1)

Java ME Embedded 8 Example