
A simple Tic Tac Toe game simulator for machine learning agents.

Primary LanguageJava


Author: Toby Waite
Date: November 7th, 2010

This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game simulator. Tic Tac Toe is a simple game that 
is played by two agents. The agents take turns placing "X"s or "O"s on a 3x3 
grid. The first agent to fill a row, column, or diagonal with three of their 
symbols wins the game.

This simulator allows you to pit two agents against each other. Five agents 
have been implemented, including three "random" agents and two machine 
learning based agents that attempt to "learn" the best strategy for winning 
the game. These agents are described below.


This program can be built from the TicTacToe directory by executing the 'make'  command.


Use the following command to run a TicTacToe simulation from inside the TicTacToe directory:

java TicTacToe <opponent> <numGames> <ourAgent>

where <opponent> is the number of the opposing agent, <numGames> is the number
of successive simulations to run, and <ourAgent> is the number specifying our 
agent. The numbers corresponding to the opponents and our agent are described 
below, in the "Agents" section.

The following example would run 100 games between a RandomAgent and a 

java src/TicTacToe 1 100 2



1 - RandomAgent: This agent simply moves randomly. It selects the square from 
a uniform distribution over all remaining empty squares.

2 - RandomDefensive: This agent moves randomly as though it were a RandomAgent 
with 50% probability. With 50% probability, it performs a move that will block 
its opponent from winning. If the opponent does not have a winning move, the 
agent just moves randomly.

3 - RandomAggressive: This agent moves randomly with a 20% probability and 
attempts to make a winning move with 80% probability. If no winning move 
exists, the agent moves randomly.

4 - RandomBalanced: This agent first checks to see if there are any winning 
moves. If a winning move is found, the agent executes that move with 80% 
probability and moves randomly with 20% probability. If no winning move is 
found, the agent checks for a move that would block an opponent from winning. 
If a blocking move is found, it executes that move with 80% probability and 
moves randomly with 20% probability. If neither a winning move nor a blocking 
move are found, the agent simply moves randomly.

5 - HumanAgent: This agent allows a human to select moves commands from the commandline.


0 - RandomAgent: This agent acts randomly, as the RandomAgent above in the opponents section.

1 - ValItrAgent: This agent is unimplemented. It will attempt to learn an 
optimal policy for moving by using the Value Iteration algorithm from machine 

2 - PolItrAgent: This agent is unimplemented. It will attempt to learn an 
optimal policy for moving by using the Policy Iteration algorithm from machine 

3 - HumanAgent: This agent allows a human to enter moves from the command line.


Originally implemented for the EECS 491 Advanced Artificial Intelligence class
at Case Western Reserve University.