
Stock ticker app for Tidbyt that shows the current prices & daily changes for 5 stocks of your choice

Primary LanguageStarlarkMIT LicenseMIT

Compact Stocks for Tidbyt

This is a simple stock ticker app for Tidbyt that shows the current prices & daily changes for 5 stocks of your choice. Data is provided by https://apistocks.com/ and updated once every hour. You need to sign up for a free API key on RapidAPI to use this app.



Check out the official Tidbyt documentation for instructions.

Update frequency

The app fetches new data once an hour. This interval is chosen because the free tier of APIStocks allows 5000 requests per month. Considering that we are showing 5 stocks, that's 1000 requests per stock per month, which is about once an hour. If you have a paid subscription and can afford more frequent updates, you can change the interval by modifying the TTL_SECONDS variable.