
DEV dashboard for tocco

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Developer dashboard that helps us to make sure everything important works as expected.

Displayed data:

  • Critical installations
  • Failed DB refactorings
  • Failed merges
  • Failed deployments (internal test systems)


The dashboard is reachable at these addresses:


Commits pushed to master are automatically deployed. However, as of now, the page needs to be reloaded manually browser-side to see the updates.

Credentials for Adapters


Credentials for adapters are read from credentials.json in the current working directory.

The file has the following syntax:

  "teamcity": {
    "password": "JAi2rKIi4KNaqQc",
    "username": "dashboard"
  "backoffice": {
    "password": "YTWWlD9u6MnE3Tw",
    "username": "dashboard"

In this example, the adaptor teamcity uses the username dashboard and the password JAi2rKIi4KNaqQc.

Obtaining Current Passwords from OpenShift

  1. Change to the dashboard project: oc project toco-dashboard

  2. Find a running pod:

    $ oc get pods -l app=dashboard
    NAME                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    dashboard-12-mqdj9   1/1       Running   0          20h
  3. extract credentials.json from one of the running pods:

    $ oc exec dashboard-12-mqdj9 -- cat credentials.json
     "teamcity": {
      "password": "JAi2rKIi4KNaqQc",
      "username": "dashboard"
     "backoffice": {
      "password": "YTWWlD9u6MnE3Tw",
      "username": "dashboard"

Changing or Adding a Password for an Adapter on OpenShift

  1. Change to the dashboard project: oc project toco-dashboard

  2. Set username peter and password 1234 for adapter backoffice:

    oc set env dc/dashboard DBOARD_CREDS_backoffice=peter:1234

    This sets the DBOARD_CREDS_backoffice env. variable which is used to generate a credentials.json automatically.

Removing a password for an Adapter on OpenShift

  1. Change to the dashboard project: oc project toco-dashboard

  2. Remove credentials for adapter teamcity:

    oc set env dc/dashboard DBOARD_CREDS_teamcitye=-