
goim and gopush on docker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Goim Docker Image

A goim image on docker.Using CentOS as the base image.


First,pull the image:

$ docker pull zhouweitong/goim-docker 

Then create a container using the image:

$ docker run -d \
		 -p 1999:1999 \
		 -p 2181:2181 \
		 -p 6971:6971 \
		 -p 6972:6972 \
		 -p 7170:7170 \
		 -p 7171:7171 \
		 -p 7172:7172 \
		 -p 7270:7270 \
		 -p 7271:7271 \
		 -p 7371:7371 \
		 -p 7372:7372 \
		 -p 7373:7373 \
		 -p 7374:7374 \
		 -p 8080:8080 \
		 -p 8090:8090 \
		 -p 8092:8092 \

Or,you can use Docker Compose as well.See docker-compose.yml

Port Settings:

Volume Settings:

/root/config contains the config files for router,logic,comet,job and client.
/root/logs contains the log files for router,logic,comet,job,zookeeper and kafka.
/root/soft/example is the folder of goim examples.

Container startup failed.Here's the reason and solution:
The starting script of the image uses sleep 5; statement to keep the startup order of the programs.
If your computer is a bit old,for example,cannot start Apache Zookeeper in 5 seconds,will cause the container unable to use.
To solve the problem,simply using $ docker run -it <the port and the image name> /bin/bash -c "while 1;do sleep 1;doneto run the container in the interactive mode,and then modify the startup script manually.
Then use $ nohup /root/start.sh & to run the goim instance.