
Organizing an awesome day out with Rubyists and Lambik beers

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On Wednesday October 2, 2013, the day before ArrrrCamp, we are organizing a day trip from Ghent (the location of Arrrcamp) to some Gueuze and Lambik breweries around Brussels. These beers are unique to this region. The plan is to visit three different breweries, which includes tasting sessions, and have lunch in between.

Tentative schedule is to leave Ghent around 10AM, and be back around 6PM.


Places are limited because the breweries have limited capacity for these guided tours, and because we want to keep the atmosphere cozy and the event manageable. We are aiming for 20 attendees, including the organizers @plexus and @yann_ck.

If you want to join, create a pull request to this repository which creates a single new file in the attendees directory. The file name should be your name, with underscores for spaces. e.g.


Make sure the email address you use for the Git commit includes a valid email address where we can reach you at. Inside the file you can mention if you want to bring a significant other, any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, etc.), and some info you'd like to share, for instance your twitter handle.

We will merge PRs until we reach our capacity. PRs are served FIFO, with the exception that people who have expressed before on Twitter that they'd like to join get priority.


We currently have prices for the bus and for two brewery visits, we're still working on arranging a third visit, and a place for lunch. As soon as we have those we'll know the final price and will send out links where you can buy the actual ticket.

This is a not-for-profit event, we will only charge the costs we have.


So far we have confirmation of the breweries Cantillon and Boon.


Open a Github issue if you have any questions.